RPC provides attorneys and their clients with expert services in analyzing economic damages, including personal injurybusiness and healthcare litigation. We work closely with attorneys to understand the issues in the case and to determine what analysis within our areas of expertise will help the judge or jury answer questions regarding liability and damages.

For either medical or vocational damages it is necessary to calculate damages in future dollars and then discount these future damages to present value as of the time of trial. We compute different inflation rates for specific goods, services and wages. Our procedures ensure consistency between the inflation and discount rates used. The time series data used in these calculations of damages are continuously updated as government agencies publish new statistics.

RPC has large-scale data management resources including hardware, software and expert staff, which enables us to analyze large data files.

RPC accounting, economic, clinical, life care planning, and vocational evaluation professionals provide an integrated damages analysis. Our interdisciplinary team works closely with litigators, from discovery to mediation to trial in order to understand the case, develop an independent analysis of it and provide a professional critique of the work of the experts retained by other parties to the litigation.

Dr. Ronald Luke and his colleagues have been accepted as experts in federal and state courts and by administrative agencies. They understand the high standards for admissible expert witness testimony and carefully document the data, assumptions and analytic methods that form the basis for any opinions offered. RPC’s expert reports and expert witness testimony educate the parties, the judge and the jury on the issues we have been asked to address. Using written documents, the spoken word and graphic materials, RPC communicates complex facts clearly and succinctly.