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Medicare Cost Reports

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) collects data from every hospital, home health agency, nursing home, and hospice receiving Medicare reimbursement. The resulting Cost Report data includes financial, descriptive and operational data on each provider, and is loaded into HCRIS, a structured database each quarter. CMS updates the HCRIS database quarterly, and the Health Data Store has the most recent update and historical data back to 1995.

Some useful data elements include:

  • Provider cost to charge ratios

  • Total inpatient Medicare days

  • Total Medicare observation days

  • Services offered by provider (including laboratory, rehabilitation, outpatient and psychiatric services)

  • Costs broken down by cost centers

  • Detailed financial reports

  • Medicare reimbursement amounts

  • Number of hospital interns and residents

  • Average hospital hourly wage

  • Costs related to uncompensated care

  • Reporting facilities

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) collects data from every hospital receiving Medicare reimbursement. The resulting Cost Report data includes financial, descriptive and operational data on each provider, and is loaded into HCRIS, a structured database each quarter. CMS updates the HCRIS database quarterly, and the Health Data Store has the most recent update and historical data back to 1995.