Calculation of Present Value of Damages

Calculation of Present Value of Damages2024-02-09T18:03:24+00:00
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RPC Calculation of Present Value Damages Consultants

Ronald T. Luke

Brian Piper
Senior Consultant

Angela VanDerwerken
Senior Consultant

Peggy Hamilton
Senior Consultant

Calculation of Present Value

Calculation of Present Value

For either medical or vocational damages it is necessary to calculate damages in future dollars and then discount these future damages to present value as of the time of trial. RPC has expert economists who are able to bring all damages calculations to present value. We compute different inflation rates for specific goods, services and wages. Our procedures ensure consistency between the inflation and discount rates used. The time series data used in these calculations of damages are continuously updated as government agencies publish new statistics. We also take the particular facts of each case into consideration to ensure the most accurate data and practices are used in our calculations.


For more information, contact Athenna Dill, Personal Injury Case Manager, 512.371.8005,

RPC Calculation of Damages and Present Value Blogs

Five Reasons Your Ambulatory Surgery Center Needs a UCR Chargemaster Analysis

Whether you operate a physician practice, a chiropractic clinic, a therapy practice, or an imaging center, it is important to understand how your billed charges compare to the charges of other similar providers in your area. In this post, we discuss five reasons it is increasingly crucial to know how your charges compare to standard benchmarks.

May 21st, 2023|

Discovery of Information Relevant to the Reasonable Value of Past Medical Expenses in Texas Personal Injury Cases

Plaintiffs in Texas personal injury cases may only recover the reasonable value of the past medical expenses. However, Texas courts have held that billed charges are largely unrelated to the reasonable value of the services. The negotiated rates of providers and health plans in a medical market or rates set by government are all relevant evidence of reasonable value. This blog post discusses the ability of defendants in personal injury litigation to obtain evidence on the reasonable value of medical services through discovery

April 20th, 2023|

How Freestanding Emergency Departments can Avoid Charging “Unconscionable Charges”

In 2019 the Texas Legislature session passed several bills to limit what freestanding emergency departments (FSEDs) charge. One statute authorizes action by the Attorney General if an FSED’s charges are “unconscionable” in comparison to local hospital charges for similar emergency services. Most hospitals update their chargemasters at least annually. To ensure their charges do not become unconscionable, RPC recommends FSEDs review their chargemasters annually. RPC can help FSEDs set their charges to avoid them being “unconscionable.” We can also help FSEDs resolve payment disputes with health plans.

February 16th, 2023|


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